Canadian Red Cross Babysitter’s Course

Canadian Red Cross Babysitter’s Course


Sold-Out:  This course is offered by Heart2Heart CPR, designed for young adolescents aged 11 to 15, who are interested in becoming babysitters or who may already be babysitting.  For many young adolescents, babysitting is their first job. This Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course can help them become proficient professionals!

The program covers:

  • Essential child care skills
  • Safety guidelines for children of all ages
  • Strategies for handling common issues like tantrums and crying
  • Protocols for addressing any discomfort the babysitter may encounter
  • Engaging activities and ideas for entertaining children while babysitting
  • Creating a safe and enjoyable environment for children
  • Understanding the rights and responsibilities of both the babysitter and the hiring family

Despite best efforts, emergencies can occur, even for experienced babysitters. The Babysitter’s course equips participants with the confidence to handle emergencies by teaching basic First Aid skills for common problems such as: Choking, Sprains and strains, Bleeding and poisoning, Fire emergencies and burn care, and much more.

  • Who:  11 years old to 15 years; min 8 people up to 15 max
  • Where: TBD (can be at a local cafe/restaurant and we will coordinate this for you; if you have a group of 8 or more, you can host it at your home also)
  • Why:  Add this to your resume!
  • When:  TBD - provide us with a date and we will make it happen!  7-hour course, one day
  • How much:  $55+ hst and stripe fees
  • April 7, 10am to 5pm, @ STACK BBQ - FULL
  • May 4, 10am to 5pm, @ STACK BBQ - FULL
  • September 27, 10am to 5pm, @ STACK BBQ - a lunch menu will be provided by STACK for advance purchase nearer to the course date.  SOLD OUT


Duration: 7 hours
Spots: 15
Price per person: $55

Location & Time

September 27, 2024
Start: 10:00
Finish: 17.00
Heart2Heart CPR
Heart2Heart CPR specializes in First Aid and CPR/AED training for both the public and professional responders. With over 23 years of experience, Heart2Heart CPR is one of Canada's largest Canadian Red Cross training providers. Their main training center is in Downtown Toronto East, and courses ar...

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