Carol & Crew are dedicated to providing clothing, and other essential daily items, to those experiencing homelessness in downtown Toronto.

Our Mission: By providing assistance with meals, clothing, and other essential items, we hope to offer some respite and compassion to individuals experiencing homelessness in downtown Toronto.

Our Vision: Every person deserves access to the necessities of daily life.

When you come together in a Circle with Carol & Crew, you're not just creating memorable moments; you're also making a significant impact on the lives of the homeless in Toronto. Your Circle can be a heartfelt act of generosity all on its own, or you can weave it seamlessly into other special events. Whether it becomes a part of your child's birthday celebration, a warm family gathering for a holiday feast, or an annual tradition with cherished friends, the joy of giving will touch everyone's hearts deeply.

Carol & Crew began unofficially, during Christmas of 2016. Carol and her son, Xavier, decided to prepare and serve sandwiches and snacks, to people experiencing homelessness in downtown Toronto. Soon, this became a weekly tradition. Once others became aware of Carol’s efforts, the team quickly expanded. We are now able to cook and serve up to three hot meals a week, and distribute seasonal clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, and other essentials, to those in need.

We aim to spread love and compassion, by providing dignity and hope, to some of the most marginalized members of our community.

Help people in need by donation or joining our crew.

Carol & Crew

All Sessions by Carol & Crew

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