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Mandalas are great tools for meditation and increasing self-awareness. Learn a new skill with your friends and enjoy the lasting benefits of learning how to draw Mandalas.
Starting a life in a new country can be daunting... You suddenly value your culture and roots a lot more, because you crave familiarity. Familiar to me meant color, bold patterns, my Indian-ness.
I spent my weekends transforming the most mundane things around the house.. that Homesense plant basket, the Dollarama flower pot, the Ikea coffee mugs, empty LCBO wine bottles... Absolutely anything I could get my hands on!
Our house became a coveted warm and cozy spot for our friends to hang out, and I was house-proud.
That's how the seeds of Quirky Hippie Decor were sown...
The business officially took shape in 2020;
Peak covid and very much pregnant, I was laid off from my job.I felt like I had lost my identity...
But, I was determined my pregnancy story would be of resilience and self belief, values I hold dear. I wanted my daughter to only associate her birth with good things.. with growth, prosperity, positivity and love.
Now back to working full time in a job I love, with an active toddler in my hands, QHD embodies “me-time”, and I would not have it any other way.
All my pieces are one-of-a-kind, slow-made with a lot of love and intention… and I hope you enjoy browsing through the collection.