Zentangleâ„¢ is an artistic approach to drawing patterns, resulting in the creation of captivating images. The method involves crafting simple lines, repetitively drawn one stroke at a time, devoid of a predetermined outcome or set expectations. The essence lies in peacefully allowing the pen to mark the paper, with a mindful concentration solely on the act itself.

This meditative practice is versatile and can be undertaken anywhere, at any time, by anyone. All that's needed is a pen, pencil, and paper. If you can write your name, you can certainly engage in the art of tangling!

About Yvonne

Yvonne emerged into the world as a naturally creative soul, finding solace and connection with her ideas and emotions through the act of creation. Immersed in the lines, shapes, and colors conjured by her brush and pen strokes, this artistic process became her refuge from life's chaos. In 2013, Yvonne pursued formal training to become a certified Zentangle teacher under the guidance of Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, the founders of Zentangle.

The trajectory of Yvonne's artistic journey faced a sudden challenge in 2017 when a brain injury inflicted speech, vision, and motor skill impairments upon her. Despite the uncertainties that enveloped her world, Yvonne discovered a lifeline in the Zentangle method, enabling her to produce exquisite and intricate images. Her team of therapists recognized the therapeutic value of Zentangle, encouraging Yvonne to engage in the practice as a means to regulate her emotions and navigate challenging tasks.

Zentangle's soothing effects and its ability to tap into her creativity proved instrumental in Yvonne's coping process. Motivated by this newfound sense of calm, she has embraced the role of sharing these creative gifts with others, viewing Zentangle not just as an art form but as a tool for self-expression and emotional regulation.

All Sessions by Yvonne Westover

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